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Glasshouse Country Community Development Program
Our Purpose:
The purpose of the Glasshouse Country Community Development Program is to assist build groups’
capacity, encourage collaboration across the community, and connect people with supports and
opportunities to actively participate in community life.
Who funds our work:
This program is funded by the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy. Our
program has been part of the Caloundra Community Centre, which is a not-for-profit organisation
since 2016. Prior to this, it was the Hinterland Community Development Association of Caloundra
Inc, which was incorporated in 2007.
Our Program workers:
Our Glasshouse Country Community Development Program workers are: Natasha Odgers, Jody Blackburn and Sonia Isaacs Clark.
What is our role?
ï‚· Primarily we work together with and support volunteers of community groups in Glasshouse Country to connect and collaborate with each other, and the broader community.
We support and facilitate group processes and share group resources, which are largely about strengthening how groups form shared ownership, purpose, decision making and actions addressing their community needs.
We offer opportunities for community groups to come together as well as offer more direct support if required.
ï‚· We also have a Communications Officer to offer capacity building support for groups to enhance their public promotion and internal communications.
What type of support do we offer?
ï‚· As Community Development workers, we can offer practical guidance and support to local individuals and community groups to assist strengthen connections with other groups.
ï‚· We also offer guidance, training and resources to assist groups boost their capacity,
confidence and resilience.
Best contact details:
Natasha Odgers: M. 0418 720 515; E.
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